Fingerprints of the Ocean
Cuttlefish Casting Workshop

April 22 | 9am | ArtEyrea
Immerse yourself in the organic and ancient process of casting jewellery or small sculptures in cuttlefish bone with Jasmine of Swales Silver. Learn to prepare and carve a cuttlefish bone to create a mould for casting molten metal, taking advantage of the delicate texture and patterns to create your own unique designs. A wonderfully rustic and organic process that captures patterns from nature.
So awesome!
We will be test casting using low melting point metal to fine tune your designs, and then choosing one item to cast with sterling silver. Finished items can then be recast in a variety of metals such as silver or gold at an additional cost if desired.
Techniques learnt in this session include design, mould preparation, carving, casting, clean up and finishing.
All materials are provided, including cuttlefish, casting metal including up to 15g of sterling silver, safety equipment and a take-home worksheet.
Please note $2 booking fee